Dinica Rodica

Ocupational Area

Associate Professor


Education and Training

September 2008, Erasmus Mission at Chemistry Department, University of Camerino, Italy, claudio.pettinari@unicam.it

October 2007, Erasmus Mission at Molecular Bioengineering Department, University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France

October 2005, Erasmus Mission at Chemistry Department, University of Camerino, Italy, claudio.pettinari@unicam.it

June 2004 research stage, at LEDSS, Grenoble, France, research collaboration, Brancusi, RO/24

July 2003, research stage, at LEDSS, Grenoble, France, research collaboration, Brancusi, RO/24

December 2001 – November 2002 – Postdoc fellowship at LEDSS (Laboratoire d'Etudes Dynamiques et Structurales de la Selectivite) “Joseph Fourier” University, Grenoble, France, supervisor Dr .Martine Demeunynck, director CNRS. The researches are realised in the nitrogen heterocyclic chemistry field (acridine compounds), with biologic active properties, antitumorals, interaction with ADN.


September – December 1998 –THEMPHUS – PHARE fellowship, at Chemistry Department, University of Camerino, Italy, supervisor Prof. Claudio Pettinari. The researches in the heterocyclic and organometallic chemistry, synthesis of organic compounds with biologic active properties, liquid crystals.

November 1999- January 1992 PhD in Organic Chemistry, “Al.I.Cuza”, University, Iasi

October 2004 -present Associate Professor Organic chemistry, biochemistry, food chemistry, „Dunarea de Jos” University, Galati

September 2004- March 1998 Lecturer Organic chemistry, biochemistry, food chemistry„Dunarea de Jos” University, Galati

February 1998- April 1995 Dunarea de Jos” University, Galati Assistant Organic chemistry, biochemistry, food chemistry, structural organic compounds analysis

March 1995- October 1991 Assistant Organic chemistry, structural organic compounds analysis “Al.I.Cuza”, University, Iasi

June 1991- October 1986 “Al.I.Cuza”,University , Iasi Licentiate in Chemistry

June 1986 - September 1982 Calistrat Hogas, College, Tecuci Diploma of School living examination

Area of expertise

Organic chemistry: organic synthesis, especially heterocyclic chemistry; extraction and identification of organic compounds characterisation of organic compounds using spectral techniques; food chemistry; biochemistry


Scientific Activity


Domneasca Street, No. 111 ,

Building SD, Floor I, Room 102

800 008, Galati, ROMANIA

Phone +40745930740

Fax + 40236 461 353

E- mail: rodinica@ugal.ro or rodicad@yahoo.com