Doina - Georgeta Andronoiu

Ocupational Area

PhD Student

Bioengineering in Food Industry, Department Unit Operations and Devices in Food Industry

Education and Training

2007 – at the moment: PhD student, Researches concearned with obtaining and characterization of proteic concentrates from milk, Faculty of FOOD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, DUNAREA DE JOS University, Galati

2006 – 2008: MSc student, Food Control and Expertise, Faculty of FOOD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, DUNAREA DE JOS University, Galati

2006, 19 – 24 february: EUROPEAN DAIRY WEEK – frontiers in dairy science and technolgy, Wageningen, Olanda

2001 – 2006, BSc student, Food Technology and Quality Control, Faculty of FOOD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, DUNAREA DE JOS University, Galati

2001 – 2006: training courses for theachers at DUNAREA DE JOS University, Galati

1996 – 2000: high school student at GHEORGHE MUNTEANU MURGOCI HIGH SCHOOL, Braila

Area of expertise

Unit Operations in Food Industry, Dairy Technology, Packages and Packaging Techniques


Scientific Activity


Domneasca Street, No. 111,

Building E, Floor 2, Room 205

800 008, Galati, ROMANIA

Phone +40745205549

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