Georgescu Luminita

Education and Training

2000, May : Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, "Dunarea de Jos" University - Galati, RO

Ph.D. Thesis Title: Dietary Fibre. Biochemical and technological studies

1983 : Food engineer, Diploma in Food Engineering, Faculty of Food Technology and Food Chemistry, "Dunarea de Jos" University - Galati, RO

2007, October: Practical Course in Gas-Chromatography, Pro-Analysis, RO

2006, December: General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025:2005), RENAR (Romanian Accreditation Association) Course, Bucharest, RO

1995, Sept. 1st - August 31th1996: DAAD fellowship to attend the International Seminar for Research and Teaching in Chemical Engineering and Physical Chemistry at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany, including a 3-week Practical Seminar in DECHEMA-Frankfurt/Main and a 3-week Practical Seminar in Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany

1995, July 3 to July 15: “Summer school” course in Biochemistry, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, RO

1993, May 1 to July 31: Tempus fellowship, Technical University of Munich, Department of Dairy and Food Science, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany

Area of expertise

Enzymology (enzyme purification, enzyme kinetics, enzyme immobilization)

Biochemistry (enzymological methods, spectrophotometry, HPLC, GC)

Human Nutrition (bioactive compounds in foods, functional foods, special nutrition)

Food Engineering (food additives and ingredients, foods for special nutrition - PARNUTS)


Scientific Activity


Strada Domneasca, nr. 111,

Corpul F, etajul 3 , camera 304

800 008, Galaţi, ROMANIA

Telefon 0040 236 414871 int 490/491

Fax 0040 236 461 353 sau 0040 236 491183

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