Department of Bioengineering in Food Industry
2004-2008: PhD at Food Science and Engineering Faculty, Dunarea de Jos University, Galati, Theme: Research concerning the influence of unconventional fermentation mathods on aroma compounds from beer.
2006-2008: Master at Dunarea de Jos University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Specialization: European Studies in Human Resources Management, graduated with 9.81
July 2006 and july 2005: Francophone Summer school Pathologies et pharmacologie moleculaires. Biotechnologies, Arad
1999-2004: Dunarea de Jos University, Galati, Food Science and Engineering Faculty, Food Technology and Quality Control Specialization, gratuated with 9.5
Beer technology, Baker’s yeast Biotechnology, Biotechnology of aroma substances obtaining, Human Alimentation Psichology, Sensorial Perception of Foods
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